[right][h3][color=cf9a9a][b]Daro'Shuris nar Konesh[/b][/color][/h3][/right] Daro rolled her eyes so hard behind the safe anonymity of her mask that she swore they nearly came out of their sockets. [i]Yes, Ardan. Just a little bit over the top.[/i] Turians really did hate humans, then, or at least, that was how it appeared. He wasn't as bad as the long list of insults implied, not that Daro had any real frame of reference for what a human should look like in terms of – well, "[i]hair[/i]" and all that. On women, the Asari frills or the Turian crests were more interesting and appealing than a human's long strings of dead protein, and on men– Well, if they weren't dextro, she wouldn't really notice them. [color=cf9a9a][b]"I haven't '[i]murdered another person on this hunk of floating junk[/i]',"[/b][/color] Daro commented rather unhelpfully after Ardan had finished and stepped back. She waved at the human, Jason White. [color=cf9a9a][b]"Though, I suppose that's using the technical definition. I haven't done the [i]cold-blooded[/i] type, if that helps? Daro'Shuris nar Konesh, unlicensed doctor."[/b][/color] She did completely ignore the human's last comment – the one that Ardan went mental over. It [i]was[/i] true. Girls did often like the roguish renegade sort. It held a certain allure, probably down to so many holonovellas during her teenage years, and Daro did tend to have her fair share of inappropriate crushes on the bad boys. So long as they weren't human, of course. Ew. Speaking of humans: [b][color=cf9a9a]"Oh, [i]no[/i],"[/color][/b] Daro said, completely sincere and more than a little panicked. Her fingers were already tapping away at the second-hand soldier's omnitool attacked to her envirosuit, screens and technical reports crossing the various holographic screens sluggishly. Behind her opaque helmet, the doctor frowned. [b][color=cf9a9a]"This program's ancient – it isn't compatible with humans, really, which just serves me right for breaking my old omnitool. If you're going to get hurt, could you do me a favour and... make it an easy thing to fix, like a broken bone; a stab wound? Or, alternatively, make it fatal. I don't want to look incompetent."[/color][/b] Her wink went awry with the mask in the way, and she could only hope that humour was one of those universal things that crossed the borders between species. Human anatomy was one of the simpler sort in the galaxy, she knew – a real bore compared to the Salarian's space-saving organs or the Krogan's unholy resistance to painkillers and all that. Granted, she could count the number of [i]male[/i] humans she'd worked with on one hand, if only because most of her human patients at the clinic had been victims of trafficking or the like. She was ninety percent sure that at some point during her prattling, everyone in the room had tuned out, but it was her job to warn her (future) patients about (future) problems! Daro just forced herself to stop talking.