[b][color=ed1c24]"Unfortunately the most we can come up with dark magic has been linked here, but we can't figure out who was using it or even if there really was a mage here."[/color][/b] Silzard replied, [b][color=ed1c24]"The only thing we have is the sheer amount of demons near it."[/color] [color=ed145b]"This is rather a lot of demons, I can see why you didn't make a move on your own. This is some time out, and we have arrived late, I suggest we move for Nanrao in the morning, so let's dine and perhaps not try to kill each other in the meantime,"[/color][/b] Ryoichi said, sitting back and taking a bite of the food offered in recompense. It didn't feel like nearly enough to bridge the gap yet, but it was a good start at the very least. Silzard nodded in agreement, though it was still tense. [b][color=ed1c24]"Very well. We shall depart in the morning, then. Now, we should eat then find somewhere for you to stay in the meantime."[/color][/b] [b][color=ed145b]"Please report it quickly so we can end this talk of demons and terrible magics,"[/color] [/b]Ryoichi said, leaning back in his chair. He'd have to keep an eye on this... Travard? Illian Travard. Either way, this was clearly a powerful and intelligent mage. Maybe Ryoichi could somehow pull this mage away from Tosen to do small tasks for him from time to time. As they dined, night fell upon the feasters and things slowly grew to a halt. It wasn't hard for the 'festivities' to do so. The two Houses still loathed each other, after all. However, the night was quieter than normal. Even the stars seemed to eagerly look in on the events. Perhaps they too were curious as to the lifespan of the tentative truce that had been called.