[hider=Aelonya Aliyev ] [b]Name:[/b] Aelonya Aliyev [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Race:[/b] Witch [b]Appearance:[/b] Extremely tall and a bit gaunt, Aelonya holds a sense of intense fragility about her, similar to the way an extremely old, wizened tree is simultaneously strong, but seems as if it will be swept up by the wind at any moment. Her arms barely touch the sides of her body when at rest, and look like tree limbs when tucked into the sleeves of her cloak, which creates a false sense of bulkiness in her frame. Typically, she wears some sort of dress with a large, woolen cloak that contains a seemingly endless number of hidden pockets containing various tinctures, animal skulls, and tonics. And so on. She smells of roasted juniper berries, and myrrh, as well as some unnamed alcholic component. Physically, her face is full of angularities, including high, hollowed cheekbones, the sheen of a strong brow, and a particularly unflattering, long nose. Her eyes are the color of oxidized iron, and her hair is powder-grey, with the texture of paper. Her saving grace, in terms of appearance, is a piercing, hollowing gaze that works in strange unison with sharp features - somewhat eerie. [b]Personality/Etc:[/b] Very direct and straightforward with her opinions, Aelonya is sometimes mistaken as extroverted, when in reality she just speaks honestly, with firmness. She has a strange sense of humor - something that she's not aware of, and laughs quietly at the stupidest jokes, and at the misfortune of others. Extremely sharp, she is also highly opportunistic, and on more than one occasion has coerced other students into doing small favors for her, but mostly succeeds in making others feel they 'owe' her something. Due to this, she comes off as somewhat intimidating, if not bullylike. There are a variety of rumors about her, including one about her eating other students, and so on. Almost all of them are false. Despite this, Aelonya is actually good-intentioned and will go out of her way to talk to people, though this more often comes off as creepy behavior, given her appearance and general demeanor. In general, she has somewhat of a maternal sensibility and tries to protect people that are weaker, or otherwise helpless. She is also extremely judgmental, and will use a first impression of someone dictate her behavior in all other interactions with that person, unfortunately. Likewise, she holds strong grudges and will go so far as to have dreams of people that she hates, internally cursing them. In terms of being a witch, she has extremely strong arms, to the point where she could permanently use them to walk, if need be. Additionally, she has some hereditary knowledge of various herbs, potions, poisons, and plants, not unlike a herbalist or apothecary. The only thing particularly 'magic' about her is the three pairs of disembodied, skeletal hands that reside in her cloak, that (seemingly) have the ability to move themselves through air and make basic motions - the extent of which would be, say, holding a small jar, or tracing shapes along a flat surface, open doors, and so on. [/hider]