[indent]"A human." His casual observation did not go unnoticed. Several of the other turians and assorted aliens in the immediate area took notice of the blonde haired, rugged looking man that appeared out of an elevator in one of the nearby buildings. This...present wasn't exactly a welcoming sight. Granted, their team was short on members but the last human present had...seen better days. How long had it been since he'd seen a human? Not counting that other guy, it'd been years, and the wounds left by the war weren't kind. After the first human had bit the bullet, he'd relaxed loads, but now that another was here, he began to feel on edge again. He didn't discriminate now, but as always, the war hadn't been kind. Instinctively he stood in front of Daro, his sniper rifle not leaving his arms as he gave the hume a once over. The man was armed well enough for a soldier of his type, in fact he was more armed than anyone else in the team. A rocket launcher too, though he knew he that Ardan would put to shame whatever notions on how explosively prepared he was. Other than that he was strikingly similar to their last human teammate. He hoped that maybe this guy wouldn't be as expendable as the last. He found this new face annoying almost immediately; ignorant to their reasons for fighting, and a jackass towards others unlike him. Ardan said his piece through and through, which left him with nothing. However, when the other turian left, Hazan went forward, inwardly biting his lip to keep in anything stupid he had to say. "Excuse our teammate. He's new, he never knew that we had a human in our squad before you came along. Unlike him, I prefer to practice tolerance, especially towards people in our line of work. Name's Hazan Volintis, recon and sniper overwatch. Oh, and before you ask, the other human bit the bullet during the last raid. Shit's getting hairy and you showing up with extra firepower couldn't have come at a better time." He extended a hand to shake as a form of greeting. Ryland, the last soldier that had been in their team, had gone down during the same raid that Nik had been hit in. They'd never recovered his corpse. Hopefully Jason would last longer. [/indent]