[center][h2]Nova Infinitum [/h2][/center] Vespira was asleep. She loved to sleep. It was one of her few favorite past times. Especially since they were allowed to sleep in today. So, who was the one that was playing the piccolo so early in the morning? Vespira had a pretty good idea of who it was but she was not the type to confront a person, especially not a tiny, little girl; it'd be like bullying. She slunk further in her bed, hiding behind a fort of blankets and pillows, in attempt to run away from the sound. She knew if she waited long enough, it would stop. The guards will make it stop. And eventually, it did, much to Vespira's relief. And she was able to fall back asleep peacefully. A few hours later, or something like that, Vespira woke up at a more comfortable time. She sat up, stretched her arms high over her head, and then plopped back down on the bed. She rolled over to the side of the bed, using the blankets as a cushion as she continued to roll onto the floor. [i]"Now I don't want to get out of this blanket burrito,"[/i] she thought to herself as she snuggled herself in. After ten more minutes of enjoying the warmth of her blanket, she reluctantly got out, made her bed, and got ready for the day. She made her way to the cafeteria to eat breakfast, hoping that they would have something sweet like pancakes or crepes, though that was somewhat of a far-off dream.