[quote=@Rin] [@Dblade26]But Saban's Masked Rider was awful. XD And yet it was the English adaptation everyone watched, whilst Kamen Rider Dragon Knight was great but no-one watched the damn thing. XD [@Sloth]Nah, it's a western comic so it's definitely Power Rangers. [@Gowi]Playing devil's advocate for a bit, the one argument [i]against [/i]including eastern stuff in this that I'd agree with most would be... Well, that they're [i]eastern[/i],[i][b] and this is set in America. [/b][/i]Would need a bit of fiddling about with logistics to make it work, and stuff that's very grounded in Japanese culture would especially be a bit difficult to transplant. [/quote] This is set primarily on [i]Earth[/i]. We have a few Galactic characters too. Honestly if I would ever add manga it'd fall under the "case-by-case" basis rule that I have for indie comics (that means no Death Note, Joe). But there is a lot of players (and one GM) that are opposed to it, so I'm not sure how to handle even the suggestion. Writing Kamen Rider or Super Sentai would be no different than running Silver Samurai or Sunfire or Shang-Chi and so on.