[quote=@Rin][@Sloth]Nah, it's a western comic so it's definitely Power Rangers.[/quote] I NEED DRAGONZORD POWER! [quote=@Rin][@Gowi]Playing devil's advocate for a bit, the one argument [i]against [/i]including eastern stuff in this that I'd agree with most would be... Well, that they're [i]eastern[/i], and this is set in America. Would need a bit of fiddling about with logistics to make it work, and stuff that's very grounded in Japanese culture would especially be a bit difficult to transplant.[/quote] Plenty of dubs have attempted to "localize" anime by transferring the location to what's at least [i]supposed[/i] to be quasi-America. Granted most of the time it's pretty shit. [s]Besides, what's wrong with having people writing stories over in that lovable hive of weirdness known as Japan?[/s] I feel I should note that in no point during this conversation should anyone take anything I say seriously.