[color=92278f][b]Juri, Yellow Flag[/b][/color] "...What?" Juri seemed rather confused by Fawful's odd speech patterns so when he spoke, it took her a bit to understand him. Then the Russian woman explained the situation and she moved out of her fighting stance, though she still had a smirk on her face. Her head shifted downwards, hiding her eyes in shadow, but anyone would notice that her left eye was shining purple while under shadow. It was the Feng Shui Engine. Like a few of the others, Juri also was a cyborg, but a much more subtle and ki-based one. In fact, she was looking in the direction of a cyborg who looked like some cowboy from a very weird Western. "Whatever... I'm willing to help you out if you want someone who can fight, so long as I get some cash and a place to stay," Juri offered to the woman. She figured if the offer was good enough for the green bean, it was good enough for her... At least, until she could figure out how to proceed further in her plans to get back home and have her revenge against M.Bison. However, there was a question she had in the back of her mind that she wanted answered. "What happened to the last lot?" [hr] [color=0072bc][b]Chun-Li, Mahora[/b][/color] Chun-Li also decided to leave the psycho there to head with the others to the carts, hoping that he behaves better. Trying defiantly to ignore the sentient humanoid garbage truck as that was a bit too weird even given the ape and the pony, Chun-Li found the group greeted by a Chinese girl that had to be a teenager. Well, that explained the Chinese food at least. However, this was someone with knowledge about where they were... And despite her and the Japanese boy in Chinese garb currently scarfing down a family-size bowl of rice, she's going to guess they weren't in China. Chun-Li grabbed a chair herself and sat down beside Ranma. "I would like to get straight to the point... but I'll be glad to have some of your chicken lo mein as well," Chun-Li eventually decided to say to the consummate businesswoman. After all, she was going to take this opportunity to have some food from her native land, and it was only polite to accept the offer of food. In addition, she wanted to see just how good a cook Chao Lingshen was. It seemed like the Japanese boy in Chinese garb loves her fried rice given how... eager he is to eat it, so that was a good sign.