[quote=@Gowi] In the spirit of discussion, the 1983 run of Amethyst Princess of Gemworld went on to inspire Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura. There’s a huge depth of superhero mythos (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Astro Boy, etc.) not to mention previous Singularized games did not contest Power Rangers. I think it’s incredibly biased, elitist, and uninformed to be staunchly anti-manga for the reason that Japanese comics are Japanese. I agree that added too many options, awkward unfamiliarities, and so forth is a good reason not to include manga but “too outlandish” is most certainly not one of them and wrong. [/quote] To be fair, I totally would have contested Power Rangers on multiple occasions if I wasn't sure I was going to lose those contests. lol