[h3]Vampires[/h3] [hider=General Information]Vampires are supernatural beings that came about roughly during the middle ages or the dark times in Old Earth. No one is sure if it is simply a genetic disorder or a virus, when put into a lab setting it mutates quickly and can result in very dangerous beings. They appear human for the most part through many of them appear to be very pretty humans, generally born vampires have a paler complexion than most humans have. Unlike many humans believe Vampires can be both born and created. Genetic vampires born with the “disease” so to speak age normally as a human would until puberty when for one reason or another their bodies begin to produce cells at a more rapid rate that a human would. This prevents them from aging as well as catching human born illnesses. This only sets in once the vampire has reached his or her full genetic potential of growth which means the age can vary greatly and females generally change before males. Vampires are what one might consider mental warriors, most of their battles are not physical but mental. They have the ability to create waves of energy that can throw another individual through several walls if the other is not paying attention. They can be swatted away by another vampire of course. These do have significant drain on the energy level of the vampire using them however this power is most often used by high powered vampires who have extensive energy to expend. Vampires who are are extremely strong have innately higher energy levels than weaker ones. In Created vampires this level of energy is correlated to the amount of struggle that that was put up directly previous to the change being finalized. In Genetic vampires it is a result of bloodlines.[/hider] [hider=Genetic Vampires] Before the change young vampires function much like humans, they can eat solid foods but require an alarming amount of iron in their diets. After the change occurs they must rely on either animal or donated blood from other supernaturals or humans. The change normally takes two to three days and during this time the body consumes its own blood and the blood is then replaced with some other much more pliable substance very similar to blood but it moves much quicker through the body and thus allows the vampire to move much faster with less exertion than a human. Their brains also undergo changes that are not completely understood that enable them to think and thus react much quicker than a human being would be able to. Born vampires have many advantages that created vampires do not share. Born vampires may build a tolerance level to the sun as they age and grow stronger, many can fully tolerate sunlight with some sunblock or a parasol by the age of 80 or so depending on the genetics involved. They also can start and stop their aging when they reach roughly 40 years of age, this is how born vampires are created the male and female must both enable their aging to take place for the duration of the conception and pregnancy.[/hider] [hider=Created Vampires]Created vampires are very different from their genetic counterparts. They are created as a result of a vampire taking the majority of if not all of a human or other creatures blood and then having them drink or ingest vampire blood. These “night children” undergo the same changes genetic vampires go through during puberty but in a much shorter time, usually less than 24 hours and it is extremely painful. Created vampires generally are forcefully changed as the amount of struggle you put up while your blood is being drawn from you directly correlates to the level of strength you will have as a vampire after the change is complete. Vampires who are created are also subject to a certain amount of control from their "Sire" or parent vampire. The parent can what might be equated to breaking and entering into the mind of their "Childe". The word childe is used to refer to a vampire one has created. It can be a term of endearment in some occasions. Most vampires have very poor relationships with their Sire due to the circumstances under which they were changed. It is usually a very traumatic event, after time most human memories fade but their changing does not ever seem to fade. This link between the Sire and his or her childe seems to be a result of having the same blood. This is generally handy as if a created vampire finds themselves in trouble their Sire will innately know because of the connection and can intervene on their behalf. Unlike born vampires created ones keep their skin tone of the time they died so many of them have diverse backgrounds and thus have various skin tones. These vampires do not adjust well to sunlight and it may take them hundreds of years to reach a tolerance level that would allow them to go outside during the day. They also lack the ability to progress their aging and remain the same as the day they were changed.[/hider]