[h3]Faeries[/h3] Fae are supernatural beings that are generally humanoids though some have less human characteristics than others. Many have wings though some do not and they are known for their ability to weave complex glamours, a type of magick that conceals their true form from most on lookers. They are unable to be seen by mortal human eyes unless they wish to be. Some of the more powerful Fae are able to conjure other types of magicks, generally those closely related to nature. The Fae Folk’s governing system involves two Courts, Seelie and Unseelie, otherwise known and light and dark. Each has a monarch, currently the Seelie King is Keenan and the Unseelie Queen is Moriganne. They were believed at one time to be the balancing system of Old Earth where seasons were concerned. On Erellon there is no evidence to show for this being true though no one is sure of much when the Fae are concerned. They are generally highly social creatures and there are many types of Fae though some are more prominently found in one court opposed to the other. Seelie Fae generally feed on fruits and natural substances their bodies cannot process foods that have seen too many hands or have been away from their source for very long. Unseelie Fae can eat foods but it is mostly for the pleasure of doings so, their bodies receive its sustenance from dark emotions; fear, jealousy, lust, envy, anger and so on. Neither court can exist without the other. The Seelie Fae are joyous and lavish in their lives and dance and drink and are merry and sensual beings. The Unseelie seek to balance this, they feed of the jealousy and the lust and encourage bad behavior among each other and among the Seelie Fae and as such their relationship serves as an indication of the world’s workings on a smaller scale. Some Fae walk a fine line between which court they truly belong in. They are very close to nature and are highly allergic to Iron and other metals containing Iron. Only the Monarchs are capable of touching Iron and only the strongest of Fae can be in it’s presence though generally not for long. They generally live for thousands of years, they are some of the longest living supernaturals. Many however do not look their age and appear to only be in their twenties or thirties.