[h3]Pixies[/h3] Pixies are yet another example of humanoid or human looking supernaturals. They are generally on the smaller side though ranging in height from about 4’ 5” to around 5’ 5” with very angular facial features and tend to be slim, very athletic, and lithe. Often times they have pastel colored skin not the typical pale tan of humans. Pixies also may or may not have wings, their wings tend to be thin and less extravagant than those found on Fae and generally look like something from nature, be it leaves or flower petals and very rarely butterfly wings. They may have as many as three sets of wings, two directed upwards and another set pointed down. These supernaturals are easily identified even when they have a glamour on by their slitted eyes that look very much like a feline’s or a venomous snake depending on who you’re asking. For one reason or another this feature cannot be covered up with a glamour regardless of the rank or power level of the Pixie. Their eyes can be any number of colors, practically any color you could imagine. Heterochromia or having two different colored eyes is also very common in Pixies. They do have a Queen but she is simply referred to as Her Majesty or High Queen, it seems no one is quite sure of her name. These supernaturals are closely related to the Fae Folk but they do not generally associate themselves with the Fae. Pixies are more commonly found in the city as they lack the allergy to Iron that limits Fae in their choice of living spaces. They are quite the little fashion fiends and are particularly skilled in the art of making clothing and new fabric materials. Many of them have chosen to put their magick to use weaving fabrics with magical properties or that are simply beautiful. Besides their passion for clothing Pixies also have a strong love of dance and are widely considered to be the party animals of the mythical creatures. Though these supernaturals have a reputation for being mischief makers they seem to have mellowed out though they can be known to pull a prank or two occasionally. Pixies appear to be rather immortal, there hasn’t truly been a record kept of any deaths. If a Pixie does die they simply turn to dust and are blow away by the winds.