[h3]Elves[/h3] Aside from Witches, Elves are the most closely related species to Humans. These supernaturals do not have very high numbers in modern times, there are two varieties of Elf and they have a long standing feud. There are Light Elves which tend to be tall and thin with angular features and fair or pastel skin and hair, they have classically pointed ears some of the higher ranking Elves have the ability to manipulate light. Then there are Dark Elves, they are still tall but more broad shouldered and tend to be of a heavier build. They have darker colored skin and hair which varies widely in color. The high ranking officials can often control shadows or darkness. The one thing all elves have in common is their elongated, pointed ears and their gemstone colored eyes. Elves are some of the best craftsman in the known worlds. They can craft almost anything and it be of superb quality. Each family or line of elves tends to specialize in a certain craft be it certain types of foods, furniture, weapons, and clothing. Their clothing is often times more basic than what is produced by Pixies which is usually more fashion oriented. Elves also have the ability to put “wishes” on the items they craft though these items take extensive time to make and very few are produced because they take so long and the art of producing items with Wishes takes so long to learn. They are worth a lot of money but are well worth it. Wishes are exactly what they sound like, when producing the item the Elf concentrates on what he wants the item to be able to do. If it is a bow one can wish that it always shoots straight and true. There is a catch to items with wishes though. The wish only works for the intended person, sometime the wish works for someone the Elf does not even know yet. Some items simply have people destined to have them. If someone other than the person the who the wish works for has the object it will only work as well as whomever has it can work it, as if there is nothing special about it at all. If the item is destined for a certain being it will often find its way to their hands through any means necessary.