She made it sound so easy. It wasn't going to be enough to just pop and declare that she wasn't dead. Most of the people had never even seen her before. Any foolish young girl could step up and claim to be the princess now. The hard part was going to be rallying the people in her favor. The people could give her an edge in the fight against Roland, and could prove detrimental if she lacked their support. Ryder had to admit, she was handling herself much straighter than he had anticipated. "That's complicated..." Ryder could hear Kayel lecturing him for telling the princess all about the king's secret organization. Revealing their true intentions in the castle would ruin the mission. It didn't matter anymore. Roland was obviously aware of the Ravens and had intentions to disband them. Maybe, this was his chance to save the Ravens. If, and it was a big IF, Gwendolen somehow managed to take back the throne. She would have to decide whether or not to continue using the Ravens. Ryder sighed and took a leap of faith. "We, a member of the Red Ravens. It is a group dedicated to the interests of the kingdom, receiving direct orders from your father. We were also responsible..." It was hard to finish the sentence. Ryder didn't care that the king was dead. He didn't care that he was now travelling with a self-centered princess. It was the fact that the Ravens failed. Ryder had failed. "The Ravens in the castle were for the protection of the royal family."