Twi retracted her hand at the words the red head spoke. She was true to her word, something Twi, thankfully, was not. It was weak to be faithful, always following through was a sign that you were afraid of what others thought, at least that's what it meant to her. She didn't promise anything to the bitch and lo and behold she was being set free by her friends that she not a few hours ago had kidnapped. She pushed herself up, groaning in pain. The symptoms seemed more bearable now, but she still had to spit out the excess saliva her mouth kept producing, anticipating the puke that didn't exist in her stomach. She was sweatier than before, which helped wipe the puke off of her barely-clothed body. She was still paler than normal but otherwise looking better, if you didn't count the look on her face. She grabbed the bars, pulled herself up and looked to Gippal, struggling to wear a kind-hearted smile while her eyes darted faster than most would notice to the hallway that led to their confiscated items. She didn't care if the drugs were taken, the ones labeled as drugs were the failed batches, it was all the potions that were the real deal. Since they were so similar to real healing potions she was certain they hadn't been confiscated. She needed them now more than ever. Her thoughts were less clouded than normal, but she had a [b]burning[/b] desire to follow through on the threats made by the small voice who talked to the mammoth of a girl she had just tricked into setting her free. "How about it? I could... help you guys for a bit. I'm no guardian but I can hold my own?" She said. She hated the way she was offering help to these scum. The whole "save the world" types were complete idiots in her opinion. Why risk your lives when you could lay back and avoid all of it entirely? Withdraw from society, disown yourself and lay in a hammock in the jungle in Kilika. It was a good life, but these fools wanted to waste the ones they had just in case they could save the world from some terrorist or whatever. "You won't even notice me, I promise." She said again, shivering with pain whilst keeping her voice in a charming soprano.