[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/4de8bb80-ca3a-4df4-8adb-682e1e0ba89f_zpszf5gvr0q.png[/img][/center] "I don't think I deserve it because I'm his daughter," Steph stared back at Bucky defiantly. "I want it to continue his work. This shield is the way for me to carry on his legacy. I get it. You were his friend. I read your files. You did the dirty work for the Howling Commandos and you were largely forgotten for it. You see this as you carrying on your friend's work, the work the two of you started. This shield is my life. If you don't think I'm worthy, fine. But at least give me the opportunity to prove I am. I can do that with the shield outside of the traditional system. You can do that as Captain America in SHIELD." It was all she could do. There was nothing else she could say. If Bucky didn't agree with this, she'd either have to put him down, or surrender, neither of which she really wanted to do.