The train rattled and clanked as it passed through the echoing tunnel, making a noise that wouldn't be unfamiliar in a pinball arcade. Yet despite the racket, the morning commuters within each well-aged carriage of the train struggled to stay awake. Many tried as they could to hold onto their senses, lest they get thrown off their feet by the twisting tracks of the train. Others had given up hope of consciousness, and resigned themselves to a disturbed nap on the metal benches. And a select few decided that their current position on the train was not good enough for their morning commute and emigrated to another packed carriage, barging through the half-awake crowd in hopes of finding a silver chair to sit on. Jack, on the other hand, was wide awake, but he kept his head down and his posture slouched so nobody looked twice as he scanned the carriage for signs of wallets, phones, keys and valuables. He waited for the right moment, then he moved. A foot here, a sidestep there, around this person, if you had watched him, you would think he practiced ballet. Then as he finished his set, the train lurched to the right and Jack fell face-first into a person's back. He got up and slipped away before the man realized what had happened. In the next carriage, Jack looked behind him and didn't see the man. Inside his jacket, he felt the presence of a new wallet hanging limply from one of his many hidden pockets. The train stopped and Jack followed the swarm of white-noise footsteps onto the platform before ducking into a toilet. He locked himself into a filthy stall and checked his earnings for the day. A watch, a phone, a Bluetooth headset, a coil of headphones, two train tickets, four wallets, and a total $185 cash. He smiled as he felt the warmth of a job well done. [color=C68A20]Popular Singer and Songwriter Daniel 'Rocket' Jay has finally arrived to Chronos View this morning for his concert series in Chronos View just this morning! Now, Janet, I believe you...[/color] At the word [color=C68A20]"concert"[/color], Jack's head perked up. Concerts meant crowds, and that meant hundreds of people are all going to be in one place, surrounded by distracting lights and blaring sounds, which meant nobody would notice if a certain lanky guy picked up a few things while walking through the crowd. Jack searched the terminal for a poster for that concert, found it, and started making plans.