[color=blue][h1]Quill[/h1][/color] Quill wandered around town, sure school would start an about 2 hours but he knew how to handle that. He was in the middle of window shopping when he got sight of someone's reflection. [i][color=blue]Oh hey, another ditcher. I haven't seen her around before.[/color][/i] Quill watched as she went back and forth from one shop to another. He decided to follow her and suddenly ended up directly behind her as she looked into a window. [color=blue]"Hey, you looking for something."[/color] Noticing her reaction to his appearance, he put his hands up in defense. [color=blue]"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, I just thought I could help you find whatever it is you need. If you happen to be new around here, I could show you around."[/color] Quill extended his hand and smiled, [color=blue]"Name's Daven, but everyone calls me Quill."[/color] [color=662d91][h1]Eswin[/h1][/color] Eswin sat on one of the benches outside Ouranos, the private academy that has both high school and college classes, and drew the people around him in his notepad. He had graduated from high school here but had decided not to go to college and instead became an artist. Eswin was currently working on a picture of a beautiful blond girl that was being pressured by a pink-haired reporter. He drew her almost perfectly before staring to draw something behind her, a blue butterfly whose left wing had parts of it turning gray and dead. As for the reporter, he drew her with sparkles around her as if she was covered in the flashes of a camera. Eswin enjoyed drawing what he felt was the truth behind people. [color=a0410d][h1]Marshall[/h1][/color] Marshall walked onto campus, bat in hand and a stride in his steps as he marched through the courtyard. Then he noticed his girl Tiffany, who seemed upset. [color=a0410d][i]Oh hell no, nobody fucks with my girl[/i][/color] Marshall walked up to her and wrapped his hand around here, [color=a0410d]"Hey Tiff, everything okay? You seem as though someone took away your credit card again. Do I need to smash someone's skull in with my bat? I wouldn't mind, my record couldn't get any worse if you know what I mean."[/color] Marshall chuckled a bit hoping to cheer her up, it's never good when Tiffany gets really upset. [color=f7976a][h1]Elysia[/h1][/color] Elysia had already went to her first class, Chemistry, before most would have even been awake. She had been working on a formula to demonstrate in front of the class. She had already passed Chemistry but was in fact, a student teacher for this class. It was her first day to be given a chance to teach and she wanted to impress. [color=f7976a][i]This has to be perfect.[/i][/color] Elysia stayed there, mixing chemicals, waiting for students to arrive.