I know. Ryder not so much. He has a warped perception of her and the rest of the nobles. Even with policies trying to improve life for common people, a small town like the one he's from didn't see it. The local nobility would be in charge of enacting any changes and some of them just didn't. You have to remember, he knows she's a general, but he's never seen her in action. He figures she sits in a comfy tent, well away from the combat, and sends men to their deaths. That will be the majority of his character development is realizing the more time he spends with her that she's not who he thought she was. That's the perspective I'm writing from. Not just a commoner, but someone that grew up in dirt and grime. She and her father may have traveled, but the small and dainty villages probably weren't on their list of places. Those kind of people wouldn't know her from an amateur doppelganger. The bigger towns and certainly other leaders that oppose Roland shouldn't be hard to convince. It's just getting the news to them that she's still alive. Sorry for any confusion or offense, I sometimes get into my character's head too much and let them vent in my descriptions.