"that's a carrot." The gentlemen beside Litheal said to himself as he measured the food with his hand. Examining it intently. "I'm no expert but that is definitely a banana." Litheal sighed into his cup of tea, "What did they put in your tea?" The man set the banana down, "When did they start making banana's orange?" Litheal's eyes shifted around the shop curiously trying to decide if this conversation was worth pursuing. To his right sat another man, this man was staring at him like a cow stares at an on coming train. Like a deer in the headlights they stared at each other for the longest time. "who are you talking to?" The second man asked curiously. "Who this fellow?" Litheal tilted his head back gesturing at the man behind him. This puzzled the second man even more. Looking back Litheal understood why, the first man was a hallucination. [i]Well this is awkward.[/i] "Nobody." Litheal muttered finishing his tea. "Have a good day." Litheal stood up slowly, his lips sealed but his mind racing. [i]Of all the dumb things you could come up with, it had to be a man mistaking a banana for a carrot? What is wrong with you.[/i]