Let me know if this seems a little bit like overkill. Would rather err on being too strong than too weak. [hider=Saerena Aenerya] Name: Saerena Aenerya Age: 20 Gender: Female General Appearance: 5' 10". Not muscular, but not sickly either. Fair, palish skin. Red hair, darker than most natural. Brown eyes. [hider=See?] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aHGoS.jpg[/img] [/hider] Orb Color: Orange Class: Gunslinger: A Gunslinger has the ability to generate strong magnetic pulses and direct them into objects and through air at will. This allows acceleration of metals to speeds exponential to that of sound. By directing such pulses one can fire projectiles much faster and therefore with far more energy than that of a typical weapon. Additionally, gunslingers can curve projectiles mid-air. All of these actions invoke some level of physical stress, meaning the number of bullets that one can fire, although rather high, is finite. Class Appearance: Gunslingers have a high variance in equipment and style depending on the individuals' skill. Saerena prefers a black leather holster on her right hip and another on her left. For clothing, she wears black pants, gloves, and a white half-sleeved shirt, worn but comfortable, covered by a camo high velocity ballistics vest. Carbon fiber knee pads and glove knuckles are a slight short-range precaution. Typically she has [hider=these] [img]http://www.techdigest.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/night-vis-goggles-thumb-500x355-89160.jpg[/img] [/hider] sick night vision goggles on top of her head. Skills: At lvl 1, Saerena is limited to slightly changing a metal projectile's path and speed. Although she can fire metal directly from her hands, Saerena finds this extremely inaccurate and prefers using a medium (gun). By using a medium, she can accurately hit targets up to 200 yards. Limit Break: Railgun Sarena's ultimate ability uses her magnetic manipulation to its fullest potential. A bullet is sped up to half light-speed, causing mass destruction around the area of impact. Bullets fired this way are basically terraformers; they have near enough energy to not only move mountains, but obliterate them. [LOCKED] Limit Break: Mag-Shield Saerena's magnetic manipulation, if driven by imminent death, is amplified into a spherical field. This shield induces such strong magnetic repulsion that literally no material can penetrate it. Metals are flung at railgun-speeds from the field, while nonmetals disintegrate entirely. In addition, a field this strong causes so much friction that the air around it will ignite. Although the technique seems practical, the physical stress involved in conjuring such a shield is dangerously high. Such fields require energy close to as much produced by a small star. This technique is not attainable through any amount of training, level, etc. Although a higher level gunslinger is more likely to survive the physical damage, it is only achievable in dire situations. [LOCKED] Cross Skills: Dual Limit Break - Electromagnetic Railgun When powered by extreme currents of electric flow, Saerena's railgun becomes a planet destroyer. The effect of such an attack are similar to being hit with enough energy to create a second Grand Canyon. Although small amounts of energy leak from this attack over distance, it is mainly a contained attack and will transfer almost all energy into the target rather than actually forming a geographical anomaly. [LOCKED] Inventory: Two 50 cal desert eagles, ∞ powderless bullets (propelled entirely by magnetism), provisions [/hider]