Marwood nodded at the plan, a bit insulted by the bandit. "My idea would be to leave a trail point to escaping Grado soldiers, heading towards Frelia. If we can make them believe were headed one way then it would buy us more time, not to mention the fact that the escort I saw with the wagons was a handful of common grunts from a no-name guild." Marwood stated. He was not much for politics but he could do strategy, chess was pass time of his in the castle. His brother had taught him to play and both would constantly use it setting different moves and strategies. The Prince nodded to the archer. "And we thank you for not killing us, however I will be going with you. A rider can get ahead of you and flag them down." He nodded then smiled. "If I play the lost prince they'll come running. then you can line them up and take them down." He realized most of the plan was still in his head so he began to explain. "I'll ride towards them claiming to be lost, my colors and armor will mark me a Knight of Renais which is friendly with Jehanna. They'll come up to investigate me and then you strike." He looked at the archer. "More importantly it keeps your people out of harms way. Before you ask why they would stop for me, my mother has been... Talking about marrying me off to a Princess... More than likely Jehanna's." He shuddered.