[center] [h1] The Loft [/h1] [/center] [b]"Typho Almano. Older brother, less successful."" [/b] [i]Well,[/i] she thought [i] that IS interesting [/i]. [b]"A [i] pleasure[/i] to meet you, Aryon Lex." [/b]She cooed, rolling the world [i]pleasssuuuuure[/i] on her tongue. [b]"I feel like you and I will get along like shells in a bolter mag, should you continue to supply me with such [i]utterly scandalous[/i] little secrets."[/b] She flashed him a quick wink, before turning her attention to the recently ousted Almano brother. [b]"I was planning on hauling myself up here and waiting out the storm, but it seems the Emperor has gifted us with a most scrumptious bargaining chip." [/b]She grinned broadly, smile lines creasing her fat face [b]"I'd like to bring to your attention the fact that a good three quarters of the staff who've been serving you this evening are my people. They are well-armed, well-trained, and each and everyone of then has a major bone to pick with your brother and his ridiculous gang of up-jumped thugs.If you try and resist, them I'll be more than happy to have them illustrate the unfortunate consequences of being related to one of the most hated men on this space station. Am I making myself nice and clear, sweetheart?"[/b]