[i]It's been three days since the players met each other. They've been going about their usual business, whatever they would be doing after their situation. As far as the real world goes, news reports say that a group of people who might belong to LC have been found in Germany, holding hundreds of players hostage. Their demands are for more bandwidth for their website and for their game, as well as letting them escape without being caught or killed, or else they will kill all of the players simultaniously. World Officals are gathering to determine the best course of action for handling this situation. In game, the first floor has a new story going around about the female newbie who took on LC and survived. They keep going on about how "she" pushed The Monster Fang to the ground in order to prevent a dagger from striking him, as well as how "she" handled "her"self. As for Jeffry, his life is becoming.... a little more.... interesting, so to speak. Soon, the players will know what he's been up to. It won't be hard to see. By the way, speaking of the website, the following numbers can be seen on the main, and only, page. Playing: 17,278,751 Active: 15,658,200 Dead: 1,620,551 As for the list of names at the bottom of the page, only one name stands out to Pururut. SaMoa[/i] [Center][H3]link23454[/H3][/Center] Link hasn't signed in for a few days, mainly because he was afraid of the people around the first floor telling stories about him. He's seen similar situations like it where someone was a hero, and then they were never left alone until they gave up on the game all-together. The feeling of giving up on a game made Link sick, and his gamer spirit wouldn't allow him to give up, even if the other players became annoying. Either way, before getting set up in his room, Link decided to bring out a second computer. He was going to try something this time around, hopefully shedding some light on the coding of this game. Being a computer programmer, this was a challenge he set for himself, mainly so that players would have a fair assumption of how to actually play this game. Once finishing his set up, he fired up the game and logged in.