[b][center]The Main Group[/center][/b] The night went by slowly but uneventful, the fog did not come again and it seemed that no more were vanishing from sight but several had walked off of their own accord and there was no sign of them now. Shela shrugged to herself and just kept rambling on throughout the night and well passed after the sun broke. Each tale she spun more out landish than the next but she always seemed to have some scar or some trinket she had kept as a souvenir providing at least some shred of truth to the tale. Her words never came off as outright lies but perhaps severe embellishments. If anything the woman had stamina, never seeming tire of speaking. She did enjoy hearing her own voice and just naturally assumed others did as well. It was well into the next day before the next village came into sight, the clouds still rolled over head but the smell of rain on the air was gone. The village was smaller than the last one, a single road winding through it with only a handful of buildings. Did not look as if they even had a proper inn, just an old stable that seemed to have been turned into a watering hole of sorts. The people in the streets froze when they saw the group of adventurers and scattered into the few homes, doors closing heavily. “Well that is a right cold welcome,” Shela huffed as she chewed on her pipe. [b][center]The Eyewing Cave[/center][/b] The beast flapped and held into the air but slowly it descended, weaving this way and that as it tried to hold its altitude but there was not much for it. The axe tear in its wing threw off the eyewings balance and abilities. It blinked under the strain and with each blink another drop of acid fell only to crystallize as it hit stone. It would not take much to put the thing out of its misery but the claws at the end of the of each wings on the wings cut through the air sharply with each ragged flap and the acid was ever present.