[@Howler] I was wondering how to pronounce his name (because I don't want to be reading it wrong in my head as we RP together). Is it See-lass, Sye (like rye)-lass, Syllus, or Sye-lus (rhymes with stylus)? Also, your hider isn't working because your tags here "[i][b]Pride[/i][/b] Named for the pride the Tevinter weaponsmiths had in their arms or in irony of the revolting slaves, depending on who you ask, the Pride series repeaters are well-kept repeating rifles that do their job and do it well. Silas' only true precision weapon, it doesn't have the flash of the 7:12 or the raw power of Benedictions, but in many ways that makes it more dangerous. With enough power to punch through a chevalier's armor at range and enough accuracy to shoot where you point it, Silas' has seen hardened veterans sob in the mud after being brought low by proper Tevinter marksmen." are misaligned. [s]I have no idea why. I was just testing it on a preview and this is the only part that won't preview correctly.[/s] Swap the positions of the closing tags.