-Full Name: Eric Alfred Fenris -Age: 25 -Gender: Male -Rebirth: No -Rank / Assignment: Sergeant RAS -Call-sign: Wolf -Personality: Eric is gritty and to the point. He doesn't beat around the bush and cares little for rank. Probably the reason he's still only a sergeant. He has a bit of a temper, especially when he believes people are wasting his time, and has been known to storm out of meeting in a rage. Though he does have a soft spot for animals, especially dogs. He would never openly admit to anyone else but he sleeps with his arms around his big husky mix every night. In combat he is a veritable storm as he always pops up where he's needed. He'll be in a firefight in one area, next he'll be responding to a backup call in another. He may hold the rank of sergeant but he very rarely works with an individual squad. Thus his call sign. His superiors have come to use him as that extra push needed on the ground. Whether in defending a position or assaulting a point, Eric is the man ready for the job. When not embroiled in combat Eric is a lazy bastard. Practically refusing to do anything other than sit in his chair with a bottle of whiskey and a cigar. Getting him to do anything short of "kill these people" is a miracle on it's own. Yet, if he chooses to put his mind towards a goal it's usually done. Though not always in the manner others would have liked. He is also very hard on new recruits. Always pushing them and yelling at them about one thing or another. -History: Eric grew up in the RAS, hearing from his mother how his father was a great soldier fighting for freedom. His father, unfortunately, had died in the fighting. That however did not stop Eric, once he was old enough he went about teaching himself how to fight and studying combat. He trained himself both physically and mentally for what he would aspire to be, a great soldier like his father. When the call to arms came for him he would stand ready and do his father's memory proud. At the age of seventeen Eric had his mother sign a waver to allow him into the military and he was off. He excelled in training, especially in combat. Where he was noticed to employ excellent judgment and timing. He graduated basic and advanced training at the top of his unit and soon headed off to the front lines to see his first tour of combat. Where reality smacked him dead in the face. As soon as he planted his boots upon the ground in combat his mind froze. All his training, all his confidence disappeared. He was supposed to lead a squad to victory, but he wound up getting them killed instead, and he lost an arm. Eric was only saved by the arrival of Rebirth soldiers. He wouldn't get another chance to lead others, and he wouldn't take it when offered. Since then he has hardened himself against war. War is his life now, it is his meaning to continue on. He fights so that one day others may not have to go through the same horror he had on that day. Eric has been offered to be a part of the Rebirth program many times, but has always refused. He believes the Rebirth program would make him weak, allow him to become relaxed in the knowledge that if he were to die he would simply "wake up" in a facility somewhere. -Skills: CQC expert: He is capable of dispatching four men at the same time in hand to hand, though he rarely needs to as he's more likely to shoot or stab them. Medium Range Crackshot: Can line up and fire off a killing shot in the blink of an eye due to years of combat practice. Instinct Tactics: Can make an effective and sound judgment in the middle of heated combat on the fly, even improvising based on the situation demands. CLS: Combat Life Saver, Eric can save a soldiers life with quick, sometimes crude medical techniques. Bionic Arm: Losing his arm gave him a bionic replacement, this allows him to perform some actions allot longer than normal people as his arm doesn't tire. It also has the strength to crush a man's skull. -Weakness: Animals, He refuses to hurt an animal of any kind. His Bionic Arm: Though the arm allows him to do things others can't, it is also a weakness. The arm does have a battery life (at full charge it only lasts for about forty-eight hours), and if the battery runs out it's useless. Also pushing the arm too much can cause malfunctions or drain the battery faster than normal. PTSD: Eric suffers from nightmares of his first day of combat. Of losing his friends and his arm. They used to be a daily occurrence, but years a numbing combat and the companionship of his dog has caused them to seize him less. Though when they do his neighbors can hear his screams in the night. -Romantic Relationship: none, (at the moment) -Other: Eric has a Husky/Collie mix, named Lea. She is the only living thing that will make Eric look like a fool. (He talks to her like a baby). -Appearance: Eric isn't a tall man, standing at about 5'9" and weighs only 160lbs- 175 with the arm. His hair is a dark blonde, almost brown that he wears in a trimmed low fade haircut. His eyes are a piercing grey/blue. A pale scar trails from his left temple down to his chin. His body is tempered in war, lean and fit. He is built for endurance, but he knows how to use his weight to throw a punch. His left arm no longer exists and is replaced with a dark obviously bionic prosthetic. Finally he shaves only once every few weeks, much to his commands displeasure, but he keeps his face at a thick stubble, except for around his scar where hair no longer grows. -Picture: [img]http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w57/Clou2747/back_in_black_by_phelandavion-d8fvg10.jpg [/img]