[b]Garie - Yellow Flag[/b] Once more Garie listened as the newcomer confirmed what she had expected, before asking for her assistance in getting out of this place. Well, less assistance and more asking if they could team up to do so. There was something to that, she would admit, but she was willing to be more cuatious at the moment. As it stood she had a leg up in information, so it couldn't hurt to be a bit more aloof when it came to her interaction with other people. "You can call me Autoscorer," she replied enigmatically, refusing to reveal her true name. This guy didn't seem worthy of knowing it, and until he proved that he could sing, or she deemed him worthy of knowing her name like Carol did, then that was just what he would get. It wasn't her problem after all. Her head tilted then as she grinned, revealing sharp teeth as she watched the cowboy. "And why should I do that? What's in it for me?" She wasn't about to join up with someone for no good reason, especially when it might determine whether she saw Carol again.