I agree with [@Eyeris]. As she's given permission just someone techinally take temporary control of her character. Like maybe [@WhiteStar19] could start with "Ash paused and blinked as like five gods appeared in Jack's living room" or [@Lord Zee] start responding to [@Blackmist16] and be like "Before Amos could truly respond, Iratze teleported everyone to Jack's house" Point is guys, Eyeris is right. Basically anyone can respond at this point and continue the scene so feel free to just go for it! :3 Also about the other matter, I was originally going to go have a max of 15 people in the group. But because I'm too damn nice I accepted two more than I should have. However enough is enough. Closed has to mean closed at some point so yeah :'D I still stand by what I said.