Annella was taken aback when Yuri started telling her his life-story. She wasn’t complaining though, at least if she knew his history, she would be able to figure out for herself whether he was a good man or not. She frowned slightly when Yuri mentioned his father’s death, murmuring a soft [color=bc8dbf]“sorry…”[/color] that she was sure he hadn’t heard, not knowing how else to respond. It wasn’t nice, to deal with the loss of a parent. No child should have to go through that, it was just horrid. Annella felt she could relate somewhat to Yuri in that aspect; impressed that he had handled the family business when things were going south. [i]Just like me,[/i] she mused, her mind flashing back to the bakery that still stood at the corner of the street within her home town. [color=bc8dbf]“I-It’s fine,” [/color]she assured him, once he was done. She gave him a reassuring smile, nodding slightly. She wondered whether she should tell him of her own back-story, but felt as if she would bore him if she did, even if he didn’t seem like the type who would be so. [color=bc8dbf]“I think that joining the Garrison is a honourable choice; you’re protecting the Walls and in turn, protecting everyone else…” [/color] [i]If they hadn’t died, I would’ve probably joined the Garrison…[/i] she thought to herself. It was something she’d always thought about, ever since she was young. The children from Sina weren’t encouraged to join the army, but nor were they denied. It was just an unspoken ‘rule’ that those who were raised with everything, didn’t need to risk their lives when they could just stay within the walls and help humanity by growing.