coming back to her seat, only to notice that her cat was in her seat. [color=ec008c]"you do know that you have your own chair"[/color] stated the girl, pointing to the chair next to her. [color=39b54a]"so... your seat was warmer"[/color] said the cat, still in the chair. having a conversation with her cat, going back and forth from the two, the girl notice the feeling of someone watching her. not wanting to have them noticed the girl knew about the watching. [color=ec008c]"Hey Amano, can you see if anyone is staring at us?"[/color] asking the girl. the cat eyed the group of students for a moment and not really trying. [color=39b54a]"nope"[/color] going back to what he was doing earlier. a Teacher, or what looked like a principal stood on the stage next to the podium, talking about Brackets for our safely when a Rune came from the ground, noticing the glow from the stone, i closed my eyes having a feeling from the rune, lovely the energy coming from the rune, when two more came popping from the ground. [color=ec008c]"Hey Amano, are you ready for the test?" [/color]asking and not waiting for her cat to answer as she picked her cat up. as a Cave appeared in front of them. she looked towards the cave and gulped before taking a deep breath and heads in. [@xXSINXx]