[@TheHangedMan] When the voice rang out around kieran he grabbed two of his blades and held them at up at guard, the other two floated into similar positions on either side of him, as if being held by a second set of arms. they gradually lowered at the voice continued, explaining what it was as well as his test until the fairy was sitting on the handle of a door he was meant to open. he let go of the blades completely and walked up to the door. his thought process went 'it knows that i'm Eldritch, wouldn't it make some complex means of going about th-...no, start simple, now's not the time for overthinking' He reached out for the doorhandle, aiming to push it open, or pull it if that failed. and if neither of those worked he would knock on the door to see if someone would answer or it would open that way...gotta start somewhere.