‘’[i]Omnisiah? Was he the guy that these wire-brains pray to?[/i]’’ Safi thought to himself as he walked towards the Hub that contained the Station Port, some high-up shops, and most importantly, his room. It was a nice room – it was a damn expensive room, and Safi was actually somewhat heartbroken about the fact that he would have to leave it so soon. And he had paid for the month, yet this was almost his second week here. But he knew how bad shit could get in the Hives, so he was not going to risk getting killed or robbed for a simple view. He could find that on any planet – his life, however, was unique, at least to him. He knew from experience that those walking chop shops, like the one following him, didn’t care at all about ‘mere humans’ like him. Safi knew that, and made a note for himself to not risk himself too much for it. Damn thing had a keen eye, though. But then again, if Safi had that sort of gear embedded into his body, he would be too. And now it offered (it didn’t come off as an offer, but Safi thought that at least he could refuse if necessary) a job. ‘’[i]Be a bodyguard in a Rogue Trader’s retinue? Sounds just like my sort of thing.[/i]’’ As… mechanic as its speech was, Safi appreciated the fact that mister Heavy Machinery was punctual about the information it gave. He admired that in a man, or xeno, or whatever the fuck this thing passed as. And it promised money. ‘’[i]A ticket off this planet, a job, and coin. Nice.[/i]’’ He entered through the main entrance of the Hub, and after walking up some stairs, turned to the Enginseer in front of a metallic door. ‘’Give me two minutes. I need to pack up. Or keep going, I think I can catch up.’’ Safi did not wait for an answer, and unlocked the door with some sort of transparent card and quickly hurried inside. Light coming in through the window panes annoyed his eyes in a good way. His clothing was already packed, since his ironing, folding and packing skills were also well-trained in his time in the Imperial Guard, and the constant training had eventually turned into an obsession with Safi. He quickly slipped into his armor which was somewhat similar to a Vostroyan Heavy Cavalryman’s, wrapped a sash around his waist, slung his lasrifle on his shoulder, opened his visor and got out of the room, holding a traveling bag in one hand. He was now definitely ready to leave.