[center][h2]A Meeting of Like Minds[/h2][/center] Silas casually strode through the Tower of Knights as if he owned the place giving casual nods and acknowledging those around him. He had been wondering where Irving happened to be, no doubt huddled over his work bench creating some new weapon of mass destruction for the Stygian ranks as he was one to do. It seemed odd to be here in Angel's Landing after living on the run for so long having a permanent home seemed like an oddity to Silas. The demons of his past began to creep within him once more as thoughts of the black day when he was called to keep the family he had vowed to serve safe by killing one of the members themselves. He could still feel the sticky wetness of the blood that coated his blade, his fur matted from the assault and his hands shaking from the act he had committed. As he approached the door to the Shard's office, as was requested of him, Silas quickly dismissed his imagination and put up the facade that he has so become so skilled in using and stepped through. Coming face to face with a strange woman who looked as if she would rather be anywhere else but here he couldn't help lay the sarcasm on thick, [b]"Oi, who's tis lovly piece o' lady? Name's Silas love and what be yors?"[/b]