Kukauro | > 9:32am < | I yawned, my free hand running through my finger's as I look to the sky. Dazed and a bit sweaty...Noka-San was usually like that. He was usually happy and was willing to give me some free food, though I wondered...his place was becoming more bleak each day I come to it. It's becoming an in-pending problem though I imagine that Noka-San is probably slipping away from his finance's or some adultish thing. Soon I was only a mile away from home, I needed to get my backpack filled with my notebooks and other utensil's that can aid me whilst I investigate the urbanization of the school. My clues are still out there, [i] wonder if anyone will find them? [/i] I say to myself, no one has currently found one of my mesmerizing notes. Maybe because of the wind it blow's away...but rocks are put on them? Odd it is. The front door usually wasn't locked, no one locked there door's, I've heard of locksmith's but why do we need locks? Odd. My hand grabs the edge of the door and gently slides the door open as I step inside. Mom and dad aren't home, they are at my sisters house helping them with her far and some kind of persimmons cookie. I hope I get to eat some, sliding off my shoes I walk over to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door, grabbing the chocolate milk bottle I had saved from yesterday, and the Pocky's that I hadn't eaten yet. My backpack was in the living but I was actually too lazy to explore, I had found everything that I could and I didn't really expect any thing else to be found. History books of this area never foretold anything else....unless, nah. I walk to the living room, my backpack was organized and it had seemed like it was already waiting for me. Grabbing the straps of the bag I put the Pocky's in my cooled backpack and began drinking my large chocolate milk bottle and started walking. The sun was out, no cloud's were near...it was going to be a good day. 9:40am [hr] [b] Please put the time on your post. [/b]