[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2e2ozra.jpg[/img] [h2][color=fuchsia][b]Aoi Don Maquia[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Shifting from one foot to the next, Daisuke would only feel his head release from Aoi's almost unnoticeable weight as she danced around to train herself now of all times. She completely zoned Daisuke out when she focused on her new endeavor which consisted in making the most shapes with her silhouette as she kept her balance. Eventually her now Kohai would demand some form of payment for the mission, but Aoi remained adamant toward her little performance on top of his head. It would only be when the grumpy looking Akimichi would show up and inquire their presence for something she didn't quite know about. She could only assume she'd have to help setting stuff up with that ugly man, but now she wanted to perform, prompting a frown from the little clown. "[color=fuchsia]Bleh, he smells bad, Dai-Kohai~[/color]" She'd express to Daisuke with a weak, whispering voice so the obese man wouldn't catch on to her blatant disrespect. She'd eventually hop off her trusty steed and keep up with the general pace while staying in front of the man she now considered to be her Kohai, and she'd grab any possible opportunity to express this new luxury she was offering to herself. The harlequin felt a wave of power, of dominance but mostly of importance when she'd take the spot of Senpai toward the guy she until recently considered her senior. It felt like she accomplished something that many couldn't, or at least had a harder time doing. She'd stop dead on her tracks for a brief moment, indicating a desire for the young man to halt before she'd poke his bulging chest with her index finger repeatedly. "[color=fuchsia]Now now! Let's be sure about one thing, Dai-Kohai! We're going to consider this as ... Community service! Yeah, we're good citizens after all~ That and we gotta show a gratitude to the Akimichi for offering us such a nice BBQ! Don't be too greedy Kohai, I've taught you better than that![/color]" A impish grin formed on her face as she was somewhat provoking Daisuke at this point, though she didn't expect it to have much impact on him given how silly she'd look when they were compared in size. That and he overall silly attitude simply cut her credibility when she got slightly more agitated with her amount of power. She then follow the Akimichi a little more before zoning out, again, when she'd see the stage being set up by various men. Orders were a non-factor at this point as she rushed to the stage and swiftly made herself familiar to the whole place, tinkering with the amps and various disconnected mics. Eventually she'd hook one up to the machinery and walk up to the front of the stage. She'd start off by poking the mic before actually testing the thing. "[color=fuchsia]Ahem~ Testing. One, two, three! Blah blah blaahhhhhhhh![/color]" The sound was strong, maybe a little too strong, but she liked it that way. Various individuals looked at her rather awkwardly, most of them wondering what she was doing there when nothing had started yet. It didn't matter to Aoi however, as attention no matter how bad it could be was potential new fans for her to entertain! She'd proceed to practicing a few basic gymnastic moves on the stage that was still being built over her head. [hr] [center][img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/2aez6ea.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver][b]Fujitora Choko ; The Overseer[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Pleased by the feral woman's reaction to her newly acquired promotion, Fujitora grinned in complete joy. Swiftly he'd nab a champagne bottle stored in Zeno's old drawer and popped the lid off as soon as possible as if this was some sort of festivity. She wanted beer, but instead would get one of the worst headaches the next morning if she were to force on the bottle there. Serving three cups of the luxurious product, everyone currently in the room was served with some top quality, cheers worthy champagne. Lifting his glass up in the air, he was ready to propose a toast to the new Jonin commander, the dog they had thrown in a treat to keep in almost complete control. The way she practicably wagged her tail at the sight of reward satisfied Fujitora quite strongly. He considered her a person, a friend, but he was the best placed to assert as what she truly was: An animal. "[color=silver][b]To Tsukiko's promotion, as batshit insane of a decision as it may be! To a long and prosperous care- Hmmm? I'll get it don't worry.[/b][/color]" When he was to finish his little declaration, Ayame's office door was being repeatedly knocked on, prompting the ex commander to take the initiative instead of the nearby 11th Corp agents. As she arrived before the door and reached out to open it, the person behind it would have already seized the chance to opening it by themselves. The blonde man froze before her, peering down for a longing five seconds, unsure what to make of this woman's presence here of all times. After a prolonged analysis, he'd scoot his imposing figure to the side and briefly bow in respect to the ambassador. "[color=silver][b]Why hello Miss Tenchi, you're just in time for Tsukiko's decoration. Have a seat and join us![/b][/color]" He welcomed her the best he could despite knowing full well she wasn't here to do casual chit chat and fruitless political discussions. He could only guess what her issue was at this point, and he frankly didn't quite know what to do about the situation himself despite his position. Walking her over to the seat he had left vacant, he gestured her to take his place as he'd simply stand like the gentleman he'd attempt to be. After all he was the only man in the room. He didn't stop there, she'd also get the chance to have a little champagne with the trio, they weren't going to halt the festivities for an unexpected guest of all things. "[color=silver][b]Ahem, so I was saying that ... Um ... Yeah just don't break the new office windows please. Cheers![/b][/color]" And with the typical lifting of his glass, he'd then drink the content. The fizz in the alcoholic drink made him cringe just a little before he'd revert his attention to the probably confused ambassador. He could only harness a guess as to what she was thinking of them at this point. Cold blooded murderers, sadistic psychos feasting on her inevitable misery by making such a surreal scene, or better yet she was going to be sacrifice made to send a very strong message to Kiri as an act of war. Of course, tensions were at an all time low at this point making it all the more humorous to Fujitora. "[color=silver][b]So, Miss Tenchi, what brings you here all of a sudden? I assume there isn't any problems regarding the recent trade agreements regarding goods of luxury? Tenjiro almost threatened embargo for some reason. Crazy man he is, huh?[/b][/color]" He asked with a slow and casual tone, trying to ease the inevitably worry the young girl would feel around all these confirmed killers and lethal idealists who of course didn't hesitate to kill the Hokage in front of the entire shinobi force. He leaned against the nearest wall, completely convinced there wasn't going to be much violence, no matter the subject of the confrontation.