[center]---------------------------------------- Grey, Headmaster Logan[/center] Grey tapped a digit against it's temple, smiling at the headmaster knowingly. The human was uncomfortable. Probably hadn't had much interaction with Mythics yet. He fussed with his tie, flipping through the papers slowly and methodically. Dark blue eyes shifted up, meeting the obsidian black of Grey. "...and you're sure there won't be any incidents?" The being called Grey gave a shrug. It wasn't sure how the Principal saw it, but still, a smile came across it's lips. "There will always be incidents when you gather such diverse minds in a small space, Mr. Logan. I cannot assure you that there will not be problems or even fights. Some of the students are known for being troublemakers. What I can assure you is that what you will deal with will be no worse than what any of your human students can cause you. Just with a more...exotic flavor." Logan flipped through the papers again. Dragons, draconians, werewolves, golems, bird people, fish people...it was almost too much. He gave a sigh, rubbed his chin, then nodded. "Well...I suppose all I can do is trust you Mr. Grey." Oh, so the Headmaster saw it as male. Grey gave a nod and turned to head out the door. "Don't worry. I think we'll all learn some very interesting things this year." [center]---------------------------------------- Bastien[/center] Bastien yawned widely, wings flapping lazily as he fluttered towards the academy early in the morning. Beneath him swung a large trunk of clothing and personal effects, carried between his talons. He gave a tired pout, ignoring the long winded speech of his mom flying next to him. "-and make sure to call us at least once a week, and don't forget to eat properly and-" "Oui...oui...oui..." "And you aren't even listening to me are you Bastien?" "Oui..." A hard jostle, a headbutt from the older harpy, and Bastien nearly fell from the sky, eyes wide for a moment. "Augh! Mama, why?!" "Because you're being an airhead again! Pay attention! You're representing our family and species here!" "There's probably going to be other harpies..." "Bastien!" "Pardon! Pardon!" Shifting his talons on the suitcase, Bastien gave a low sigh, wishing he was still asleep instead of flying to the Academy. School didn't start for another week, but those living in the dormitories were all heading in early to get situated. All the exchange students were expected to undergo a private orientation as well. The harpy wasn't disinterested in the situation, he was just so tired... Pale blonde hair, pale skin, and pale blue eyes, alongside a slight frame, kept the bird boy from really standing out as anything in particular. The only thing that was currently drawing a lot of attention from several humans down below, except for the flying, was his brilliant white wings and large talons. He wore a loose-fitting hooded vest and baggy shorts. Talons made long pants exceptionally difficult to wear, and the wings needed plenty of room to stretch out. His hooded eyes surveyed the grounds as they neared the Academy. It was large. Very large. For such a small town, the Academy seemed exceedingly well funded. The East dorms still had some scaffolding around them from the renovations. Bastien had been told that the humans had spared no expense to make the dorms personalized and homely to all the exchange students. He wondered if there would be other harpies. A few human students wandered the grounds, some carrying suitcases to dorms, others just lounging about, enjoying their last week before school starts. The town itself was rather small, but not isolated. Being near a major city seemed to help keep things bustling. As the harpy pair landed, a woman in a loud yellow dress began to walk towards them, giving a wave. Bastien's mom waved a wing back with a smile. Bastien, for his part, perched on his suitcase and wrapped his wings around his body, sulkily looking around from eyes that threatened to shut on him yet again. He was sweating from carrying the luggage all the way from the bus stop. Sure, he was a strong flyer and able to carry a significant amount of weight. But the jostling and wobbling suitcase had made it anything but pleasant. And he was still pretty out of shape and lethargic. As the woman in yellow chatted with his mom, he began to nod off steadily, head bobbing. Finally, a jostle from his mom woke him up. "What what?!" "See, you never listen! Birdbrain...I have to go now, so you be safe! I'll miss you!" "Oui, I'll miss you too mama." A hug, a quick peck on the cheek, and Mrs. Moreau took off. Bastien turned his hooded eyes to the lady in yellow, who wrote something on a clipboard then gave a smile. "Alright Bastien. Normally, you would put your stuff into your assigned dormitory, but due to the...unique nature of our situation, you will instead be heading into the East Dorm common room for a short orientation. It starts soon, so it'd be best if you got there fairly early." "Oui...uh, I mean. Yes. Thank you." "Do you need help with your luggage?" The harpy glanced down, giving his wings a soft flutter. He was tempted to say yes, but with a sigh, he shook his head. "No, I'll be fine. Probably." The lady in yellow was already trotting off, greeting another group of students. Bastien perched on his suitcase, wrings wrapped to his body as he contemplated a short nap before heading to the common room. Another tired pout, and he began the arduous task of hauling, dragging, and shuffling his suitcase towards the East Dorm, looking much like a struggling chicken.