[center][h1]Iosef[/h1][/center] At rest on one of the recliners of the common room was a startlingly dark girl...or boy, who was snoozing off for goodness knows how long. At his...or her side were various bags and luggage containers, the lot of them all made of tough stainless-steel shells, like the ones wealthy businessmen or secretive bureaucrats used to carry documents and guns. At least, as far as the harpy (or anyone, for that matter) knew, the person here was a student. It was short enough, and definitely had the face to be around his age. He or she had some hair, at least, that was about three inches long (a fairly ambiguous length, to be sure). I mean, as far as the face would go, it looked like a girl : high cheekbones supporting slightly thinner cheeks, an unpronounceable chin, thin and pouty lips... But there was something off. The student-to-be in question was dressed in an oversized white T-shirt that covered down to its knees, though luckily the collar section didn't slip too far from the shoulder so as to reveal whether or not he...or she, had a bra on or not. The plain T was complimented by what appeared to be a pair of fresh denim jeans, blue as the ocean at dawn or dusk. To top it off, a pair of closed-toe sandals covered the student's feet, leaving much to imagine as to what kind of toes and lifestyle the student lived. But its hands were...quite large. They had on them a collection of splotches and scars that came from some sort of event, and even flecks of torn callouses were still peeling. Curious and intriguing, one might say, but definitely not feminine in the least. So who would say this one was one or the other? As Bastien and perhaps a few others came walking in, the student snorted and startled itself awake with an equally androgynous voice. "Aa-ah! Wha...oh, I thought I'd be the only one here! Are you guys also transferring for the special program?" Chiseled into the soft, onyx-black face were two lanterns floating in the darkness. Its irises were amber and bright, akin to a recently rekindled fire. And indeed, these twin fires were kindled with excitement. There were so many new people, so many opportunities to take...so many friends to make. [@Spawnling] [@Aspen Wren] [@gaudi] [@Turboshitter] [@Termott] [@Antarctic Termite] [@Arty Fox] [@Cuccoruler][@Vrrak]