[quote=@NarayanK] hippy barthday [/quote] Dank you. [quote=@Nytem4re] Rose, I probably should have said this before, but I think I'll drop this rp. I had tried to make a post for this rp for a while, and I couldn't seem to write much for a post. I kept telling myself I'd get to it later, but I always had the same problem. It's a great rp, but I think I have lost my interest for it, sorry. I'm also sorry that I only said something now, it's just that I didn't realize my writer's block for this rp would get this bad. [/quote] Do what you gatta do! You're [i]always[/i] welcome to come back. My fingers are cold so typing this is taking forever because I keep making stupid typing mistakes like missing the keys. Lol. [quote=@NarayanK] Rose's avatar atm is the only thing that describes my reaction to all these people flying out of the RP. [/quote] [quote=@Unfortunately] bye nytem, see you in the next life reboots are for losers, keep going technically we still have enough active members to qualify in the large group [/quote] Didn't plan on a reboot. Wouldn't mind one or two more people to come in, but we're fine as is. Adding more right now would just muddy things up anyway. -shrugs- If you guys want me to invite more people in actively, I'll do so. If not, I'm fine with cruising along as we are. I believe the people here right now are the ones that seem genuinely dedicated to the RP and want to see it continue so I'm kosher. [quote=@NarayanK] [@Unfortunately] How's the art going? I wanna see some of your works :o (I need eye-fresheners due to all of these homeworks and projects stacked on my AP curriculum -screams internally-) [hider=Explanation for my inactivity]EDIT: Speaking of which, I got accepted into a pretty strong university for Computer/Electrical Engineering. That might be why I'm suddenly motivated to work my ass off lol I may return to full activity as soon as I get these things off of me[/hider] [/quote] BRUH... GOOD LUCK. I BERIEVE IN YOU. On that note, I'm going to go purchase my first alcoholic beverage tomorrow with friends so ye... I also have a shit ton of stuff to read for classes so that'll be fun. Drunk reading. Should be profitable, right? Yeah. I'll just hold on to that lie.