[center][h2][color=696969]The Overlord - Roanapur[/color][/h2][/center] The Overlord peered closer into the shadows, the flame flickering inside of his hand as ember floated down onto the ground. He knew there was something lurking around, but his eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness as he had gotten used to the eternal flames of the Netherworld to brighten up the place. He hasn't moved just yet, it took patience to find the opportune moment to strike, any wrong move could kill him or dozens of his minions if used stupidly. Just as he was about to take another step forward, yet another meteor struck the earth, the Overlord glanced to the side to see what other new enemy would come out of the crater. The Metal Man was lightly surprised to see that the figure was just some small human, the only memories he had of children were merely just lots of teasing and bullying, those adults were now his slaves. The Overlord continued to stare at the little girl, but his interest was soon depleted, nothing that small could ever harm a mighty man like himself. He looked back towards the shrouded figure, however, his adjusted eyes caught just a glimpse of the figure turning a corner. The apparent 'statue' did not even take another glance at Clementine as she moved around him, he was deciding if following the figure would lead to some kind of trap. Woman in his universe never really tried to do anything too harmful to the Overlord, though they did tend to deplete his treasury with all of their decorations of the Nethertower. However, this world was different, stranger than any other place that he had ever seen before, and the commoners seemed to know a lot more than he did, so he needed to stay cautious. As Clementine entered Yellow Flag, a piercing scream resounded through the area, maybe it was the mysterious figure. Well the scream belonged to a lady, he knew the screaming of humans too well, but it could also be some kind of mighty beast preying on the denizens of the strange land. The Overlord continued to think for another second, it was his choice to check out the noise or stay with the people that he despised... Well, the Overlord was no cat, so he would be fine. Briskly walking towards the sounds of the screams, he turned the corner that the figure did as well to only find some sort of wall blocking his path. Did the figure somehow scale over this wall? They might be useful if they are that agile, however, the Overlord didn't need to be agile, he had power. Continuing to speed walk, he drew out his two-handed mace, the Overlord raised it above his head as the walking soon turned into a running start and he swung as hard as he could towards the wall to shatter it into pieces. However, he hadn't expected the wall to be an illusion as the mace he swung was absorbed into the wall and soon the Overlord followed suit. He stumbled forward, managing to keep his balance from the mighty swing that would make most people fall flat upon their face. Magic? Magicians were rare in his land, were they common in this land? Well, the Overlord became more curious to what he was supposed to find as he continued to follow the screaming. Turning around yet another corner, the Overlord finally saw where the screaming was coming from. He was right, it was some lady, but she was being confronted by some large brute that the minions would love to play hopscotch in. He glanced down to find his friend dying on the ground, blood gushing from his body as the other continued to advance upon the helpless woman. Hrm, the Overlord didn't really care about the screaming lady, but the Overlord did have the need to release some stress. This shall be a test, if the woman can dodge his fire blast quick enough in this narrow alley causing her assailant to take the blast, then she might prove useful, if she dies then he gets to roast two people. The Overlord's hand sparked once again, although this time, his entire fist was engulfed in flames as it burned through the air. Without another thought, the Overlord raised his hand towards the two and fired a flaming ball of fire that would most likely burn anyone alive if not protected by some type of spell of armor.