I'm not done yet! [hider=My Hider] Name: Lance Dingleburg Age: 16 Gender: Male [hider=General Appearance] [img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/203c/th/pre/i/2015/123/8/a/aono_tsukune_colored_by_wladyb91-d2dzmve.jpg[/img] [/hider] Orb Color: Blue Class: Power Ranger: Fighter of justice! Average Speed, Attack, and Strength [hider=Class appearance] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/6d25/i/2012/217/6/b/blue_ranger_redux_by_fernie87-d59z40j.jpg[/img] [/hider] Skills: Spear Summon: Summons Spear weapon to fight. Blue blast: Fires blue energy out of hand, doesn’t do a lot of damage but is a good distraction. Cross Skills: Laser of Justice: When combined with the powers of others he can summon a cannon that is extremely powerful when it hits it’s target. [LOCKED] Limit Break: Summon the Zord: Summons a Zord which is a giant mecha shaped like a Tiger that will attack the enemy and take it down quickly. Useful for very large enemies. [LOCKED] Inventory: Food, Cooking equipment, Fire making things, his wallet and phone, toilet paper. Spear of Justice, Fireworks Belt buckle: Used to transform into the blue ranger. [/hider] Now I'm done