[hr] [b][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RdDKbep.jpg[/img][/center][/b] [hr][center][h3][b]March 20th, 2005[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]The Triskelion (7:12 PM / 1912 MT)[/b][/center] [color=853333][i]“Europe. The code is coming from Europe.”[/i][/color] That’s what he had told the Director of SHIELD; and it’s what he told Paul Westfield, the head of CADMUS— SHIELD’s department branch for special development and experimental research. A department of the agency that Stark felt at home in, the laboratories were top notch with some of the best scientific equipment he had seen that didn’t have a stamp with his name on it. It needed some ‘panaz’ though like a nice coat of paint; white was always such a depressing color. After handing over his and Rumiko’s decryption of the Red Skull’s message to Agent Sarah Garza, Tony had found himself distracted after the brief conversation with Garza ended, shuffling his hands in his pockets as he looked over the technology in front of him. He and Rumiko had worked very hard for several hours after the internet broadcast and hacking through was no easy task. But they had at least cracked it, which was something Garza had been struggling with since the broadcast which was something Tony noticed as the dark circles underneath her fiery red hair made it all too apparent that she had been trying to crack to code with no sleep. It was probably why she hadn’t cracked it, too. It was probably a good thing Rhodes had went and picked up Rumiko under Tony’s suggestion otherwise SHIELD might’ve been scratching their heads about where exactly in Europe the message was coming from. [color=9E5D42]“Fujikawa, I could kiss you.”[/color] The comment snapped Tony out of his thoughts as he turned with a wide grin. [color=gray]“Don’t give Tony any ideas.”[/color] Rumiko commented back as she rolled her eyes as the computer technician was very familiar with the billionaire’s antics and certain personality traits he inhibited. [color=853333]“I take it you two lovely ladies have finally cracked the code to HYDRA [i]and[/i] my [i]fantasies.[/i]”[/color] The dark-haired scientist laughed as she narrowed her eyes as she ignored Tony’s flirtatious quip; her attention in full view of the computer in front of her. [color=gray]“The Red Skull broadcasted this from Austanburg.”[/color] [color=853333]“Austanburg? Pretty small place. It’s a small country near France and Germany, right?”[/color] [color=9E5D42]“Correct. Though given the membership Austanburg has as the newest piece of the Latverian Union, there is a possible complication there. But it is far more information than we had before you showed up.”[/color] [color=853333]“Fury and Westfield will be thrilled. Should we buy a cake? I know a great bakery in Manhattan.”[/color] [color=5E6376]“Stark.”[/color] Tony glanced over to the voice that called out to him, a brow raised. [color=5E6376]“Agent Maria Hill. Fury’s got a request.”[/color] The female SHIELD agent held a beige folder in her right hand as she looked to Tony, seemingly unimpressed with his presence in the CADMUS facility. Her eyes were narrowed and expression blank— in many ways she reminded Tony of Fury himself which after only meeting the guy one hour ago for only a few minutes sent a nerve off in the back of his neck. His hand moved out as she handed him the folder and he could feel a sense of dread come upon him as he looked down as he opened the folder. [color=853333]“See, this is why I don’t work with the government. Give them help with one thing and they want another.”[/color] [color=5E6376]“Can you come up with something?”[/color] Tony sighed, [color=853333]“Give me an hour and I can come up with something.”[/color] [color=5E6376]“Excellent.”[/color] [center][img]http://www.serenitypropertysolutions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/horizontal-rule.png[/img][/center] [center][b]The Triskelion (8:37 PM / 2037 MT)[/b][/center] [color=6C88A6]"You must be Tony Stark,"[/color] A voice came out as Tony found himself head deep in the development [color=6C88A6]"Nick Fury sent me. Apparently you have something for me."[/color] [color=853333]“Come to check up on me?”[/color] A chuckle left Tony’s voice as he kept his eyes on the statistics of what he had come up with. [color=853333]“You SHIELD types are really sticklers for time limits. I wonder if Pym ever had to deal with this.”[/color] It had taken an hour and funneling development with a small team of scientists in CADMUS by the name of Leopold Fitz, Oliver Osnick, Kimiyo Hoshi, and Yvonne Calendar. At least working with the government led to meeting people with similar genius; a fact he’d make note of as he reminded himself to get their Myspace or Xanga profiles before he finished up for the night. If he ever finished up for the night. [color=853333]“Take a look.”[/color] Tony stated to the SHIELD agent behind him, completely oblivious to his identity. The technological device was a portable hard light construct that had variable utilities, running on a small arc reactor that could be placed in a compartment as small as the forearm. Tony was even amazed at what they had achieved in such a short time. The marvel of geniuses working together, perhaps. [color=853333]“Don’t really got a name for it, Doctor Light over here kind of overlooked that vital process. I think I’ll call it Betsy… or Diane. I like Diane.”[/color]