[b]Name:[/b] Titus Gaius Telomi (though he goes by Titus Smith normally) [b]Age:[/b] Whenever asked this, his answer is always to smile and say that his mother was a Sabine, and let the questioner fill in the blanks. However he looks around 37 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance/Looks:][img]http://img13.deviantart.net/e860/i/2012/239/6/d/summersun_by_gerryarthur-d5cosgb.jpg[/img][/hider] Titus stands around 6'00'' and seems to be of an almost military build [b]Species:[/b] Human "True" Immortal [b]Sexual Preference:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Likes :[/b] Teaching, collecting various "worthless" trinkets, dabbleing in HEMA, reading, people watching, art and history museums [b]Dislikes:[/b] secrecy, needless loss, driving, sports [b]Bio:[/b] Born at the turn of an age, Titus spent his early years in a young city in the midst of a war between his mother's people and his fathers. In fact his earliest memory was that of two armies, poised to fight and soak the fields of the young city in blood. The only thing that stopped them was a group of mothers and their children that came between them. After that the city grew as Titus did, its span reaching out to cover the seven hills upon which lay its roots, stone buildings replaced the wooden structures and the population swelled, a new people being born out of the two old that once lived. But through all this time Titus remained, both friends and family coming and going, leaving the now man behind. Still he stayed in the city, watching it and it's people grow, he fought in all three of the wars with her neighbors to the south and for a short time put himself under the command of a man named Julius in what would become France. But as history marched on, so to did Titus, eventually leading to him leaving the heartland of the now great nation to explore her outer reaches. It is from here any record of Titus becomes blurry, yet oddly unified. Over the coarse of the next few hundred years only glances of him show up in any records, all referring to a man of his same build and height, name changing with his clothes and the times. He appears in artwork from time to time, this travailing man, always in the background though, and always one needs to look hard to find him, almost as if he prefers it that way. And to Titus this was the way he wanted it, though supernaturals were out in the open, he wanted none of the attention that follows one who is untouched by time. Not only that, but he found a certain pleasure in watching the world grow from his pale anonymity. Eventually, around sixty years ago, Titus found himself employed at a local collage teaching a small electives class [i]"The hidden world of supernaturals and the Ancients"[/i]. He also spends some time and funds in research on his immortality as it seems shared by very few, and was not exhibited by his immediate family (mother and father), though due to lack of time constraints this project is regularly put on the back burner. [b]Occupation:[/b] Professor/Researcher [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Technically Italy [b]Feelings about meeting their soul mate:[/b] Hopeful, yet apprehensive. Titus oddly enough has never met his soulmate, his tattoo remaining a jumble of Roman numerals that act as the date, which means that this is new to him, and new is both an exciteing thing and a slightly fightening one for an immortal. [b]Soul mate:[/b] N/A