[b]Los Angeles Michael Henderson[/b] "You gotta be kidding me! You're transferring me now? Like right now?" Michael said as he spoke to his supervisor in a brightly lit office within the hospital. "There's people coming in left and right with the riot out there! You want me to pack my stuff up and move to another hospital. Do you want me to die?" Michael argued. He couldn't believe this. At one moment he had been working, trying his best to aid the massive amount patients coming in from the violence downtown, and then he's called into his supervisor's office to be transferred to a new facility. "Dr. Henderson, this isn't my call. There's a..." The seated man was cut off. "Then why are you making it. Can't this wait till this is over with?" Michael pointed out the window. "These people need me." "No! What they need is doctors and they have plenty here with or without you. Where you're needed is at facility we have partnered up with. You know one of those blood testing facilities. They need you there to treat those that have been wounded." Now Michael was confused. Why did a blood testing facility have wounded patients. "That doesn't make any sense. Why are people that should be here over there?" "I don't know Henderson... I just need you to go. If you don't want to then you can find the door. There are people who need you right? Well they're over there. I'm not asking you to transfer. It's been actioned. You either do it or lose your job." Michael scowled at the man. Money didn't matter to Michael, but helping others did. He sighed and exited the office. He took off his white coat and headed for the exit. The drive could have been short, but traffic kept the young doctor at bay for a while. It gave him time to blow off steam and mutter to himself, but it didn't change how he felt. Once Michael parked in the parking lot he sighed ready to do what he'd always been driven to do: help others. Michael knew his wife wouldn't like him working at a place like this, but he was sure he wouldn't be administering the tests. As he entered the facility he was required to show his identification. He was not only let in, but escorted into a room where a patient laid with another doctor already treating her. "You'll be responsible for making sure these individuals are in in good health. That's it. Then you hit the green button on wall. The red button next to it is if the patient gets out of hand." The escort said in his black suit looking as if he walked off the set of Men in Black. "Out of hand?" Michael asked. "They have abilities and some of them can't control them. Others just want to hurt you. Now hurry up to room 127. It's four doors down." "I hear ya." Michael said with zero enthusiasm. He headed to a room with man strapped down to a bed. The man appeared to be on some kind of meds with the way his pupils dilated. The rest of the man looked pummeled. "There must be no mercy out there..." Michael said solemnly. "I have to do what I can." Michael was determined to help, even if this place was shady. ------------------ [b]Big Bear Lake, California Jennifer Henderson[/b] Jennifer could not be seen as she was one with the surroundings of what looked like a crime scene at the lodge she knew Elena was staying in. [i]Damn it! Noah told me to keep watch and... fuck! I have to tell him what happened.[/i] Jennifer didn't need to be in the area much longer as she let herself travel back to her home in Los Angeles. She had remained around the lodge long enough to know and hypothesize the gist of what happened there with Elena and Blaire. She figured someone got to them before the police. The girls hadn't taken Elena's car, so them being on the run was unlikely, especially in those parts. It was perfect for escaping with the amount of trees and shrubbery, using the car would have been a bit more ideal than risking your life in the woods. [i]Maybe Noah knows more... he always does... or always did at least.[/i] Once Jennifer appeared in the flesh at her home, she grabbed her cellphone. She didn't even bother to get dressed. She attempted to call Noah with her news.