After arriving on the scene and instructing Brutus to remain in the car, Dimitri was quick to get into the thick of the action by bursting into the warehouse where the sounds of gunfire and snarling could be heard and let loose with his own volley of shotgun blasts. Damien's instruction for cover was met with a fresh wave of gun shots, followed by n irritable grunt from Dimitri "[b]Fuck man, when you said "a lot" I though you meant like twenty or something![/b]" he barked as he blew the head off of a rapidly approaching ghoul. As yet another made a lunge for him Dimitri aimed his weapon and pulled the trigger only to realize a bit too late that he'd used up his shoots. The thud of flesh against flesh could be heard, as could the sound of a gun clattering to the floor, however the sound of a large body hitting the floor was suspiciously absent. Dimitri gritted his teeth as he held the ghoul back as best he could by its throat with one hand while fumbling for another of his weapons with the other. His knife was buckled into its sheath, as was his side arm, meaning that going for those without being slashed up even further by the ghoul's claws which where currently slashing his arm to ribbons. That left only one option. Dimitri sneered as he pulled a crowbar from his waist band and raised it high before bringing it down on the ghoul's head with a sickening thud. This dazed but did not outright kill the creature, however the dazing was all Dimitri really needed to let go and follow up with another strike to the head. "[b]Stay down, bitch.[/b]" Dimitri rumbled before bringing the crowbar down a third time in a two handed swing, pulping the creature's head and sending chunks of brain matter across the floor. With that ghoul effectively put out of commission, Dimitri quickly returned his attention to the other ghouls. The slayer lurched forward with a bellow, putting several years of gained muscle to work as he smashed his way through wave after wave of ghoul with his crowbar.