[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] Stark was giddy as the two men stood opposite one another in the simulation room. Bucky remembered feeling the same way when he'd first got to suit up next to Steve. His body still hurt from his scrap with Stephanie earlier but he was certain he could take whatever punishment Stark's suit could dish out. Bucky was a survivor, he'd [i]always[/i] been one, and a fancy suit wasn't going to give him any lumps that he couldn't come back from. On the way there Fitz had explained to Bucky that with time they thought they'd be able to modify the arc shield so that Bucky could direct it and even further down the line maybe even take other forms. He had sounded excited. Barnes tried to remember how to activate the shield. A wrist strap, so small it was barely noticeable, that would activate when Bucky clenched his fist. He squeezed and with a crackle the shield burst into life. Its red, white, and blue shone even brighter than the original shield. "Scared?" Bucky said with a smile. "You're the one that ought to be scared." He flung the shield in Stark's direction and ran towards him. It came crashing down against Tony's armour and bounced back to Bucky in time for him to put all of his weight behind it and shunt Stark with all his might.