[hr] [b][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RdDKbep.jpg[/img][/center][/b] [hr][center][h3][b]March 20th, 2005[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]The Triskelion (9:11 PM / 2111 MT)[/b][/center] [color=6C88A6]"You're the one that ought to be scared, Stark."[/color] [color=853333]“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Cap.”[/color] Stark stifled a chuckle as his faceplate slammed down over his face and the glowing eyes of the suit came to life. Tony Stark was never scared. He had faced down hateful terrorists, ornery journalists, and federal agents. He sneezed harder than it looked like this new Captain America was able to dish out. In all reality Tony felt guilty that he had to embarrass a legend in such a way but then again it was that same person who challenged him to field test it against his own armor. Was he high? Nah, he looked like a [i]Republican[/i] so probably not. [color=853333]“JARVIS, hit me up with something… [i]American[/i].”[/color] [i]“Of course, sir.”[/i] The artificial intelligence chimed as the response was followed by the flaring guitars and kitsch melodies of Rick Derringer within Iron Man’s headspace— Tony’s indulgences never had an end, it seemed. [i][indent][h3]CLINK![/h3][/indent][/i] Seemed like Captain America himself wanted to strike first. At least the whole ‘testing the shield’ thing seemed on point. The repulsion technology in the armor’s feet chimed to life as America’s first avenger came in at incredible speed. But before he collided the repulsors sent Iron Man backwards into the air. [b][color=853333]“Test numero uno al dente!”[/color] [/b]Tony shouted, obviously butchering the language as he began to fire several repulsed energy beams from his armor's hands upon Captain America as he kept his distance.