[b]"Quiet right up until someone starts shooting at us. We also might want to avoid another hallway of statues, you know, considering the track record with those so far..."[/b] Stukov remarked just before the Valkyrie landed, [b]"I don't believe they will nest in a factory, it is far too loud there, they enjoy quiet places."[/b] Zhevon replied, [b]"Another type of daemon comes to mind, one that enjoys noise. But as long as the factory remains active, they should remain docile."[/b] As they were moving to the factory, with Stukov taking point, Adrianne commented about the sickly atmosphere of the industrial district. [b]"They can't import everything, and some businesses make their profit on locally made or grown products."[/b] He reasoned, [b]"Although they could have been more... Ecological."[/b] He looked up at the darkened sky, making out a sunrise in the distance. Stukov then spoke up. [b]"So, for subtle, landing a Valkyrie and disembarking like a raid team was subtle, sure as sure. Hope the factory equipment was running, sharp ears might have heard otherwise."[/b] His voice came through the vox, [b]"Even if they noticed us, Stukov, I'll send M4R1-A on aerial overwatch of the factory property. If anyone attempts to leave the perimeter, we'll know about it. And get a high-res footage of them as well... "[/b] Adrianne assured the Armsman, [b]"Heavy trucks and shuttles go to and from this district all day and night, it would take a trained ear to distinguish Valkyrie engines from all of the noise."[/b] He added, [b]"...And if there actually is such an ear, and we get ambushed, we know then that this mystery owner does not want to be bothered. Grounds for bothering him."[/b] Once they reached the Factory, they stacked up on a side door. Adrianne waved her staff over the entrance and unlocked it, opening it at the same time with her powers. Zhevon made a note of that. He put his hand on Stukov's shoulder and stepped forward, meaning to take over as pointman. As soon as the group stepped through the side entrance, a worker stepped around the corner and saw them. The mask wearing, apron clad worker froze. An awkward second passed. [b]"Inspection."[/b] Zhevon said, breaking the silence. [b]"I-Inspection?"[/b] The worker asked, confused, and wary. [b]"Uh... Yes. The last factory I inspected turned out to be a ganger front. Better to be prepared, right?"[/b] Zhevon quickly made up. [b]"Right. Uh... Do you need anything inspector?"[/b] Zhevon turned his head slightly and then looked back at the worker, [b]"Is there anything strange about this factory that differs from the others?"[/b] The worker scratched his head, thinking, [b]"Well, sometimes we get a notice that everyone will get a paid holiday, usually a day or two before the actual holiday. The factory is then manned by a skeleton crew, the machines put on half speed to ensure there are no accidents or malfunctions, and the skeleton crew is paid overtime for however many hours they put in. Today is one of those, usually we have some 50 workers in here, but right now there's about 10 of us."[/b] Zhevon looked to his retinue, then back to the worker, [b]"May we walk around?"[/b] [b]"Yes of course Inspector. I really need to use the restroom, excuse me. The rest of us are in the breakroom if you have any questions."[/b]