[center][h1][color=Gold]Akio Tendou[/color][/h1][/center] Akio nodded, glad to see her team get to work right away. She couldn't help but chuckle at Rei as she talked to herself. She chose not to comment on it, walking away from the entrance with only a gesture for Seta to follow after her. She trusted Rei and Nobunga to handle themselves just fine with any final pieces of advice from her, and besides, diplomacy just wasn't her thing. While not a hot-headed individual, Akio was definitely not as good at maneuvering around people with words as she was in combat. Best to leave such things to those who had more talent in it. After a few minutes of silent walking around the small moat that surrounded the bathhouse, Akio made it to the spot she had staked out in the short amount of time she had before the mission started to make a plan of action for the infiltration. From where they were positioned, a window could be seen across the way, one that she done a recon of to see where it led. It was a storage closet of some sort, and luckily for the two of them, had a vent in the ceiling that they could take into the ventilation system. F She knew where to look as far as the offices and residential area was in the building as she had asked for a blueprint of the place the moment they'd given her the mission, not wanting to go in blind. With that help, it'd be an easy trip towards the office. She had spent as much time as possible committing it to memory, and had a rough mental map of the ventilation system that should lead them there quickly enough. Turning to her partner, she explained the plan. "Okay Seta, we're going to cross the moat, head into that window over there that leads to an empty storage closet and climb into the air ducts via the air vent. From there, I'll lead us to the offices and we'll see if anyone's in there or not. Hopefully, with the diplomatic team engaging the Hojo's, it'll be empty and relatively easy for us to get in. Oh, and before I forget, take off your Konoha headband and put it away somewhere. I doubt they'll attack us, but it'll look bad if we get caught so deliberately spying on the clan. With that in mind, I've also provided these." Reaching into one of the pockets on her chunnin flack-jacket, Akio pulled out a small sealing scroll, which when rolled open, brought forth two plain white masks with two holes to allow for sight. She'd tossed one to the salamander boy while securing her own, then performing the transformation technique to change the color of her hair. "Just in case." She said, the mask causing a slight distortion of her voice. Once Seta had put on his mask and done what she asked, she'd begin the operation, taking off across the water at a modest speed and making a seamless transition to the wall, barely slowing down as she did so. She'd soon be at the window, holding out a hand to signal for Seta to wait a moment as she stared inside. A man was walking in with a cart and was collecting a few towels and cleaning supplies before walking out. After waiting a few more minutes to make sure he didn't comeback, she moved in, opening the window easily enough from her end and sliding in with ease. Once Seta had made it in, he'd see that Akio was currently on the ceiling attached with chakra as she took a shuriken and using it to take the screws out of the vent. "Get ready to catch, and if you drop it, so help me god." Akio warned as she was half-way through, giving the boy plenty of time to prepare for the moment where the last screw was gone and the vent came down toward where he presumedly be, hopefully catching it. [@Mugin] [center][h1][color=DarkOrange]Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi[/color][/h1][/center] Tatsuya attention was turned from Giichi as Katsu-sensei began to speak, keeping things short and to the point before heading off into the forest. Tatsuya was quick to follow behind him, trying to think of anything to suggest, or if he should even say anything to begin with. He was the lowest ranking member here, what right id he have to suggest anything to those who were much more experience than him in these matters. Still. . . "Um, if it isn't assuming too much, I'd like to give a possible plan of action for the mission. I think that we should, obviously, start with investigating the other previous crime scenes, so as to see if we can find anything that another person might have missed for whatever reason. We should also talk to the owners themselves, to se if we can find anything that was similar about each theft besides how easily he snuck in and out of each area." Tatsuya's voice was somewhat unsure in the beginning, but slowly gained confidence and steadiness as he went on. "Maybe we could even split into two groups, an investigative one, which could be made up of one to two people, and the rest would keep on the look out incase the thief strikes again while we are investigating." "The main issue, however, would be deciding what team to put you on, Katsu-sensei, as while it'd seem like a no-brainer to put a Hyuuga on watch, you're ability to make out precise detail would be very useful in finding hidden details that other's could miss. I guess that design would be up to what you decide, if you decide to go with my plan that is." Tatsuya bowed his head bait, not wanting to look to uppity at this moment. He hoped it didn't seem like he was trying to tell the jounin what to do on his own mission. [@Savato] [@Renny] [@Partisan]