There is no such thing as "luck". Felines, regardless of their source, tend to vary among the spectrum of good or bad companion individually. Many black cats are part of superstition, as are cats as a whole - almost every culture sees them as having some sort of bizarre, supernatural qualities of some form. That said, a fair portion of European culture is not as kind to the cat as others have been, erroneously enough to help prolong the Black Death, throw them from a belfry as part of a "holiday", bagging, burning and drowning of cats, associating them with witchcraft, evil and misfortune among other less than pleasant things. The real answer is that a house cat can make for an excellent companion provided the cat actually has a good personality; some cats are just lazy, others too energetic for their own good. It takes involvement and effort to groom a cat's persona, and in the long run the cat ultimately is the deciding factor, not the person. I would strongly advise you to, with October approaching - in particular if you get a black cat - ensure they're strictly kept in doors should you get cats. A lot of cruel mischief is done to animals, in particular cats as Halloween approaches.